An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a painless test that allows us to acquire the electrical activity of the brain using sensors mounted on the scalp. EEGs have been used since the 1930s  and are cheaper to maintain and administer than other Neuro-Imaging tools such as MRIs and CT scans. Lower costs and wide availability make EEGs appealing tools for providing neurological care in the resource-constrained healthcare systems of developing countries. However, low hardware cost is not the only factor obstructing quality neurological care in underserved areas. Smart solutions that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to introduce efficiency and intelligence into the telehealth pipeline are thus more likely to be adopted in practice.

The aim of this project is to develop a low cost, wearable device that can record several physiological parameters simultaneously, and which can communicate with a smartphone. The most relevant parameters to be handled are EEG, heart rate, and human body motion. The system will serve to reduce the workload of the neurologist who would not need to spend time on reading perfectly normal recordings.

Categories: Projects


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