Event Info

  • 6th September, 2022
  • 03:00pm to 04:00pm
  • SEECS Seminar Hall
  • Dr. Atif Mashkoor


AI disrupts every walk of life, e.g., service operation optimization, product enhancement, supply chain management, and manufacturing. One of the most notable benefits of using AI in all those areas is a significant cost decrease – up to more than 50% in some cases. However, the adoption of AI is slow in Pakistan, and it has not been able to penetrate the socioeconomic settings fully. This talk highlights how AI can help solve some fundamental problems in Pakistan and how the Sino-Pak Center for AI is helping achieve these goals.


Dr. Atif Mashkoor is a senior research scientist at Johannes Kepler University, Austria, a foreign faculty at Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Haripur, the founding managing director of the Sino-Pak Center for AI, and an adjunct faculty at ICCBS, Karachi. Previously, he was the Scientific Head at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH – the Austria center of excellence in software and data science. His research interests include requirements engineering, formal methods, and AI-inspired software engineering. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Lorraine, France, and an M.S. from Umeå University, Sweden. He has also studied computational linguistics at Rovira i Virgili University, Spain.

Events timeline

15:00 – 16:00SEECS Seminar HallArtificial Intelligence in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities